Viva the guts to try.


Branding, Design, Motion

Building lasting client relations

Building lasting client relations

With more than 10 years of experience in the realm of digital, I’ve been lucky enough to work with a wide range of clients looking for different types of digital services: from branding and marketing to ecommerce best practices and full-on redesigns.

Some of my longest relationships have been with The North Face and with the Clorox company. Worked with The North Face when they first decided to sell online, back when the rules of the digital game were still been written and people didn’t have as easy access to ecommerce platforms such as Demandware and contemporary CMS systems. Now that shopping platforms are more easily available, we can spend more time thinking about and executing digital roadmaps to enhance upon the basic building blocks of online conversion.

Two clients for which I’ve been lucky enough to be an avid contributor to their annual roadmaps are Fresh Step and Pine-Sol. The best part of treating initiatives as a year-long digital roadmap is that we can finally be smarter about the decisions we execute during projects, and make sure we deliver on strategy. We can actually launch content, analyze it, and reiterate as we move forward, giving users experiences they actually love us for.

It doesn’t matter if one year we are all about Facebook apps, while the next year is all about WordPress based content. The important part is to meet the consumer where they are… in one seamless ecosystem that’s channel agnostic.