Cute creatures. I shall call 'em... The Inklings!
I was talking to a friend today and actually decided to follow through some of the millions of t-shirt designs we joke about… but only leave it there (in the funny conversation realm). I was justifying my depressive poetry with the excuse of needing to balance my prolific artistic tendencies with sentimental bullcrap.
I said everyone who is a genius is either crazy, sick, or autista (an “autist,” but in Spanish sounds better).
This first guy is pretty neat. Obvious reference to Albert Einstein… the image of the messy philosopher. I didn’t assign a specific illness from the ones described bellow… but I believe scientists tend to be associated more with autism. You be the judge.
This guy is the first one I did. The first thing I think about artists is mashed brains… so, there you go. I didn’t mention before the little detail with the restrain jacket, a pretty neat lait motif! The font I used was Futura bold… and quite altered I must say.
This “thinker” is not Ghandi or Freud… but I did find weird goaties to be near the chins of stereotypical philosophers. I’m pleased with the “mona lisa” eyebrow effect lol. This group might be the one I identify myself the most with… the one whose talent is just to think and give opinions. Hmm, anyone want to employ a thinker and have her do just that? Hmmm, I guess that’s called “being a professor.”
Anyway, basically that’s that… yet something tells me this might not be the last we see from these little guys.
After seeing I had three, I might as well make 4 and make it even. Unfortunately, a friend of mine asked me to do one adapted to her art site (forest themed), so I’m back at an uneven number. It seems this might become an obsession! I thought of naming them “the inklings”… what do ya think of the name?
This one is my little rastafarian. He’s got dreadlocks and loves to smoke. Yes, I’m all for stereotypes. After this one I might have to make a writer… and don’t worry, I’ll be as truthful as I can be to a true representation, and make him Jewish.
This one is a collaboration for the “El Bosque” art project. You can find them in . Their theme is basically forest related art, like trees, wolfs, and bears. Be sure to check em out. Basically this last one showed me the possibilities are endless with these little critters.
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