Puerto Rico + Cuba Design for Brenny
Hi everyone,
Greetings from Planet Illness. After a long silence, I am back… dunno why, but I’ve found the strenght to visit the realms of cyber space. I finally went to the dr. and he says I need antibiotics cuz I have amigdalitis and faringitis… I dunno when I’ll be able to talk again. The cold pills I tried before made me sleepy, which I guess explain my cyber absence. I havent felt like doing anything, not even think. Still, today I’m back.
What do I grace you with today? Well, this is a design draft my friend Brenny who lives in Cuba asked me for. Apparently her film team are in need of some “team t-shirts” or something like it. She asked me if I could help. After drafting in Illustrator for a couple of hours, this is my take on the problem she gave me. Basically the instructions were to try and unify the Cuban and Puerto Rican flags in one drawing. She also wanted the text: “from one bird, two wings” which is often used to refer to Cuba and Puerto Rico. This refers to how the islands are identical sisters. Perhaps twins?
“It’s… it’s… so beautiful. *tear* For real.”
“Awesome, awesome, la verdad es que no tengo palabras… Me gusta, aunque parece algo como “puerto rico grita”, pero por alguna razón está mucho mejor.”